Washington Global is a 2023
National Blue Ribbon School!

A College Preparatory Middle School
with an International Focus

High School Applications Due Tuesday (1/31)

Most 8th grade students/parents have now successfully created a MySchoolDC account and students have been working to complete their applications at school. High School Applications are due in MySchoolDC by Tuesday, January 31st. Please contact Ms. Diaz at (202) 796-2415 if you need assistance for your child. We are here to help!

PARCC Informational Session: Prep for End of Year Tests

Please join us for our PARCC Information Breakfast Session hosted by Instructional Coach Sarah Leahey. She will provide essential information about the end-of-year PARCC exam and an overview of how Washington Global is preparing students for this important assessment.
Where: Washington Global (525 School St. SW)
When: Monday, February 6th at 10:00am
Who: Parents of students in ALL grades.

Washington Global Science Fair

Get ready for the 2017 Washington Global Science Fair! Students have been working hard on their projects and are excited to show off what they’ve discovered. Please join us from 5:00-6:00pm on Monday, February 6th for a presentation of projects. There will be refreshments, a “gallery walk” to view the projects, and an awards ceremony to celebrate the top-judged students. See you then!

After School Activities

Sign up for After School Activities and Clubs. Students who want to participate in these activities must fill out a permission form. Please call the front office (202-796-2415) for more information or to enroll. A list of current clubs is listed below:

Day Activities offered
Monday, Jan. 30th GW Tutoring, Theater, Yearbook, Basketball
Tuesday, Jan. 31st Orchestra, GW Tutoring, BEAD Entrepreneur (TBD)
Wednesday, Feb. 1st GW Tutoring,Orchestra
Thursday, Feb 2nd GW Tutoring
Friday, Feb 3rd HW Help

Haiku Learning Website – What’s tonight’s HW?

This website provides homework reminders, important due dates, and other information about what is occurring in your student’s classes. To create an account, complete the following steps:
1. Go to the website: https://www.myhaikuclass.com/wgpcs/wgpcs/signup
2. When prompted enter the code: DRJWS.
3. You will then be asked to identify whether you are a student or parent and will create an account by selecting “register” at the bottom of the screen.

PowerSchool Access – See your grades!

The last progress reports of the 2nd Quarter were sent home today. As a reminder, you can always check the most up to date progress on PowerSchool. Handouts were sent home providing parent login information to access student grades earlier in the quarter. If you did not receive yours, please email, Sarah Leahey: sleahey@washingtonglobal.org

February Math Tutoring with Ms. Brown

Ms. Brown will be offering math tutoring and math homework help for all grades after school until 5:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays in February. She will be reviewing operations with integers and fractions, as well as decimals and scientific notation. The first session will be on Thursday, February 2nd. For specifics and questions, please reach out to Ms. Brown at: dbrown@washingtonglobal.org

Featured Class – 7.4 Social Studies:
Ancient Civilizations

Each week, Washington Global will highlight one class, or cohort. The goal is to give you (families) the opportunity to see a snapshot of what is going on at Washington Global. We encourage you to talk to your child about what they’re learning!

The start of the 3rd Quarter means the start of a new unit! This week, students in cohort 7.4 began the unit by learning about the geography of India. Before venturing into the unit on Hinduism and Buddhism, it’s important to understand India’s geography. This will allow students to better grasp why the two religions and the early civilizations of India developed as they did. For homework, students will be working on the geography challenge!

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