Washington Global’s Board of Trustees is an active body of committed individuals who meet frequently and provide governance pertaining to all of the school’s core functions. The Board upholds Global’s mission of fostering Global Citizens and providing a quality education to all students. If you need to contact the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, please email board@washingtonglobal.org.
Chair: Teresa R. Curristine, Ph.D. Senior Economist
Vice Chair: Alexandra Fielding Zeiler, Real Estate Agent, TTR Sotheby’s
Secretary: Linda Brown, Parent Representative
Treasurer: Candice Cloos Haney, Ed.D., Co-founder, Washington Global PCS
Trustee: Elizabeth Torres, Ed.D., CEO & Co-founder, Washington Global PCS
Trustee: Vanessa Harvey-Lykes, Special Ed Specialist
Trustee: Latrice Leak, Parent Representative
Trustee: Carlos Ardilla, Attorney, Latham & Watkins LLP
Trustee: Kesha Hillary, Parent Alumni