Washington Global is a 2023
National Blue Ribbon School!

A College Preparatory Middle School
with an International Focus

4th Quarter
IMYC Themes: Collaboration(6th), Courage (7th), Development (8th)

Have a Great Spring Break!

Good work students… you made it! The school will be closed for Spring Break, Monday, April 17 through Friday, April 21. We will return for school on Monday, April 24. Washington Global wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable vacation!

8th Grade: High School Enrollment Deadline (5/1)

The deadline to enroll in your match high school is Monday, May 1! Please contact your match school for more information to ensure your child’s spot is saved. Enrolling does not remove your 8th grader from waitlists at other schools, so please enroll at your earliest convenience!

End of Year Testing Dates

PARCC testing at Washington Global will begin on May 1st. All students are required to take PARCC math and ELA tests. Please see below for the testing schedule. More information was sent home in a letter today. If you did not receive it, please reach out to Mrs. Leahey at sleahey@washingtonglobal.org.

Test 6th 7th 8th
ELA PARCC May 1st – 4th May 8th – 10th May 8th – 10th
Math PARCC May 15th – 17th May 15th – 17th May 15th – 17th
DC Science Assessment N/A N/A May 31st

After School Activities

Sign up for After School Activities and Clubs. Students who want to participate in these activities must fill out a permission form. Please call the front office (202-796-2415) for more information or to enroll. A list of current clubs is listed below:

Day Activities offered
Monday, Apr. 24th BEAD, GW Tutoring, GeoPlunge Club
Tuesday, Apr. 25th Orchestra, GW Tutoring, Theater, Tech/Coding Club, Ms. DeNeal/Ms. Brown HW Help
Wednesday, Apr. 26th GW Tutoring, Orchestra, Arts & Crafts Club
Thursday, Apr. 27th GW Tutoring, Ms. DeNeal/Ms. Brown HW Help, Explorers Club, Co-Ed Soccer
Friday, Apr. 28th GW Tutoring

Report Cards Sent Home Last Week

Students received their 3rd Quarter report cards at school last Friday. Reports cards will also be sent home through the mail in the near future. If you did not receive your report card, please reach out to Ms. Leahey (sleahey@washingtonglobal.org) or Mr.
Lombardi (plombardi@washingtonglobal.org)

8th Graduation: What You Need to Know

Graduation Day will be Tuesday, June 13th! A letter with more information about the venue, tickets, and more, will go home next week

Caps and Gowns:

Caps and gowns for the 8th grade promotional exercise are now on sale. The cost is $32 per student and funds are due no later than April 5th. Students are required to wear a cap and gown at graduation.

Baby Pictures:

8th Grade Families: Help improve our yearbook by celebrating the progress of your child from diaper to diploma! Please email one baby or young toddler picture of your 8th grade student to Ms. Gray at lgray@washingtonglobal.org. Thank you!

Washington Global Students Explore the World!

At Washington Global, we’re always looking for ways to connect classroom learning with real-world experiences. Field trips are a critical part of how we foster a love of learning beyond the walls of our school.

Today marked the 152nd anniversary of Lincoln’s assassination, so Mr. Thistle led our 8th graders to Ford’s Theater to learn about this momentous event in U.S. History. Students also toured the home where Lincoln lost his life. 6th graders had their own adventure, trekking to the Museum of Natural History to explore the differences between unique climate regions with Dr. Boroughs. Last week, a group of 6th and 7th graders visited the popular “Infinity Mirrors” exhibit at the Hirshhorn Museum. The students also explored the sculpture garden. On the right is one of our 6th grade students interacting with the “Infinity Mirrors” exhibit.
Stay tuned for more field trips soon!

Click here for printable version – Newsletter 4/14/17