Washington Global is a 2023
National Blue Ribbon School!

A College Preparatory Middle School
with an International Focus

3rd Quarter
IMYC Themes: Collaboration(6th), Courage (7th), Development (8th)

School-Wide Fundraisers: Double Good Popcorn and Dress Down Days!

Two school-wide fundraisers aimed at raising money for end-of-the-year student activities are in full swing. See below for more information:

Popcorn sales from Double Good Popcorn (formally Popcorn Palace) started on Tuesday and will run through March. Money and order forms must be turned in no later than close of business on March 24th. Payments can be made in the form of cash and money orders. For a Double Down brochure, reach out to the main office.

For the next two weeks, “Dress Down” passes will be on sale in the front office for $2. Students can purchase the passes Monday through Wednesday to dress down on the Thursday of each week. The next dress down day will be on Thursday, March 16th. Please do not allow your child to dress down without buying a pass, as this will be considered a uniform violation.

Graduation: Caps and Gowns!

Caps and gowns for the 8th grade promotional exercise are now on sale. The cost is $32 per student and funds are due no later than March 24th. Additional information about the promotional exercise will be available soon.

After School Activities

Sign up for After School Activities and Clubs. Students who want to participate in these activities must fill out a permission form. Please call the front office (202-796-2415) for more information or to enroll. A list of current clubs is listed below:

Day Activities offered
Monday, Mar. 13th BEAD, GW Tutoring
Tuesday, Mar 14th Orchestra, GW Tutoring, Theater, Tech/Coding Club, Ms. DeNeal/Ms. Brown HW Help
Wednesday, Mar. 15th GW Tutoring, Orchestra
Thursday, Mar. 16th GW Tutoring, Ms. DeNeal/Ms. Brown HW Help
Friday, Mar. 17th GW Tutoring

Haiku Learning Website – What’s tonight’s HW?

This website provides homework reminders, important due dates, and other information about what is occurring in your student’s classes. To create an account, complete the following steps:
Go to the website: https://www.myhaikuclass.com/wgpcs/wgpcs/signup
When prompted enter the code: DRJWS.
You will then be asked to identify whether you are a student or parent and will create an account by selecting “register” at the bottom of the screen.

They Grow Up So Fast: 8th Grade Baby Pictures

8th Grade Families: Help improve our yearbook by celebrating the progress of your child from diaper to diploma! Please email one baby or young toddler picture of your 8th grade student to Ms. Gray at lgray@washingtonglobal.org. Thank you!

PowerSchool Access – See your grades!

The 3rd Quarter is now under way! As a reminder, you can always check the most up to date progress on PowerSchool. Handouts were sent home providing parent login information to access student grades. If you did not receive yours, please email, Sarah Leahey: sleahey@washingtonglobal.org or Paul Lombardi: plombardi@washingtonglobal.org

Featured Class – 8.1 Science:
Will it hold?

Each week, Washington Global will highlight one class, or cohort. The goal is to give you (families) the opportunity to see a snapshot of what is going on at Washington Global. We encourage you to talk to your child about what they’re learning!

This week in 8.1 with Mr. Loran, students continued the Engineering Unit by constructing paper chairs and tables. Students used construction paper and masking tape to build the “furniture” to determine who could design the strongest and most dependable structure. Students are following the engineering design process – from research to planning and execution – to achieve this goal!

Click here for printable version – Newsletter 3/10/17