1st Quarter
IMYC Themes: Adaptability (6th), Resilience (7th), Challenge (8th)
DC One Cards
Washington Global has provided all DC One card information for our
students to DDOT. DC ONE cards are arriving this week and next
week. Your child can pick his or her card up in the main office. Please
contact Ms. Gray or Ms. Diaz at (202) 796-2415 for any additional
Academic Updates
Washington Global’s classes are off to an excellent start! We
encourage you to view Washington Global’s academic homepage
to familiarize yourself with your student’s classes. The website address
is: wgpcs.wikispaces.com
Monday Sept. 11th: Girls Mentoring
Tuesday Sept. 12th: Girls on the Run, Drama, Young Men’s Association, Tutoring
Wednesday Sept. 13th: Rowing, Chess Club, Global Dance Troupe, Tutoring
Thursday Sept. 14th: Arts and Crafts, Flag Football, Tutoring
Friday Sept. 15th: Tutoring
Back to School Breakfast for Parents
Please join us on September 12th from 8:00am-8:45am for a breakfast meet and greet with members of the Washington Global team. We look forward to meeting you!
8th Grade Parents
Eighth Graders: The high school placement process for eighth graders is beginning! Eighth graders will take a high school survey in class next week to start exploring different high school options. Families will be made aware of upcoming high school placement events.
Be on the look out
Swimming will be starting in October. Please contact Ms. Gray or Ms.
Diaz at (202) 796-2415 for any additional information.