14 Feb Weekly Newsletter – February 13, 2017
3rd Quarter
IMYC Themes: Collaboration(6th), Courage (7th), Development (8th)
Upcoming “No School” Dates
Please be advised that there will be no school on Friday,February 17th, due to Teacher Professional Development. In honor of Presidents’ Day, there will be no school on Monday, February 20th. We will return to regular classes on Tuesday, February 21st.
Family Night This Week!
Mark your calendars! There will be Health and Wellness Family Night on Thursday, February 16th from 5:00-6:00pm. Come join us for healthy food, Zumba, arts & crafts, games, and more!
Black History Month Showcase (February 28th)
Black History Month is upon us. Starting next week, all students will begin creating works (poems, dances, speeches, etc.) that celebrate the contributions of important African-Americans. Students will have the opportunity to display or perform these works at Washington Global’s Black History Month Showcase.
February Math Tutoring with Ms. Brown:
Ms. Brown will be offering math tutoring and math homework help for all grades after school until 5:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays in February. She will be reviewing operations with integers and fractions, as well as decimals and scientific notation. For specifics and questions, please reach out to Ms. Brown at: dbrown@washingtonglobal.org
After School Activities
Sign up for After School Activities and Clubs. Students who want to participate in these activities must fill out a permission form. Please call the front office (202-796-2415) for more information or to enroll. A list of current clubs is listed below:
Day | Activities offered |
Monday, Feb 13th | -BEAD (Entrepreneur Program for Girls), GW Tutoring, Theater, Basketball |
Tuesday, Feb 14th | Orchestra, GW Tutoring, SGA, Basketball, Swimming |
Wednesday, Feb 15th | Basketball, GW Tutoring, Orchestra |
Thursday, Feb 16th | GW Tutoring, Orchestra, SGA, Basketball, Swimming |
Friday, Feb 17th | NO SCHOOL |
Haiku Learning Website – What’s tonight’s HW?
This website provides homework reminders, important due dates, and other information about what is occurring in your student’s classes. To create an account, complete the following steps:
1. Go to the website: https://www.myhaikuclass.com/wgpcs/wgpcs/signup
2. When prompted enter the code: DRJWS.
3. You will then be asked to identify whether you are a student or parent and will create an account by selecting “register” at the bottom of the screen.
Graduation: Caps and Gowns!
PowerSchool Access – See your grades!
The 3rd Quarter is now under way! As a reminder, you can always check the most up to date progress on PowerSchool. Handouts were sent home providing parent login information to access student grades. If you did not receive yours, please email, Sarah Leahey: sleahey@washingtonglobal.org or Paul Lombardi: plombardi@washingtonglobal.org
Featured Class – 7.2 Science:
Cell Division and Oreos
Each week, Washington Global will highlight one class, or cohort. The goal is to give you (families) the opportunity to see a snapshot of what is going on at Washington Global. We encourage you to talk to your child about what they’re learning!
7th Graders finished up Science Fair presentations on Monday and began reviewing information about cell division (mitosis) and DNA replication. Students created their own cells with Oreos and sprinkles, helping bring science to life. If only those Oreos could replicate themselves! Students also had lab activities and a quiz in the middle of the week to put what they learned to the test.
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