07 Jul Weekly Newsletter – March 17, 2017
3rd Quarter
IMYC Themes: Collaboration(6th), Courage (7th), Development (8th)
PARCC Testing
PARCC testing at Washington Global will begin on May 1st. All students are required to take PARCC math and ELA tests. More information will be sent home in a letter next week but if you have any immediate questions please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Leahey at sleahey@washingtonglobal.org.
New After-School Clubs: Explorers Club and Arts & Crafts
Washington Global is proud to offer two new after-school clubs! Ms. Gray will be hosting Arts & Crafts Club on Wednesdays. The club is limited to 12 spots so if your student is interested, have them sign up in the main office soon!
Explorers Club is hosted by Mr. Lombardi and will meet on Thursdays. Students “travel” to fascinating places by learning some of the language, exploring the geography, and tasting the food! Interested students should meet Mr. Lombardi after school on Thursdays in Room 407.
New Clubs!
Graduation: Caps and Gowns!
Caps and gowns for the 8th grade promotional exercise are now on sale. The cost is $32 per student and funds are due no later than March 24th. Additional information about the promotional exercise will be available soon.
After School Activities
Sign up for After School Activities and Clubs. Students who want to participate in these activities must fill out a permission form. Please call the front office (202-796-2415) for more information or to enroll. A list of current clubs is listed below:
Day | Activities offered |
Monday, Mar. 20th | BEAD, GW Tutoring |
Tuesday, Mar 21st | Orchestra, GW Tutoring, Theater, Tech/Coding Club, Ms. DeNeal/Ms. Brown HW Help |
Wednesday, Mar. 22nd | GW Tutoring, Orchestra, Arts & Crafts Club |
Thursday, Mar. 23rd | GW Tutoring, Ms. DeNeal/Ms. Brown HW Help, Explorers Club |
Friday, Mar. 24th | GW Tutoring |
School-Wide Fundraisers: Double Good Popcorn and Dress Down Days!
Two school-wide fundraisers aimed at raising money for end-of-the-year student activities are in full swing. See below for more information:
Popcorn sales from Double Good Popcorn (formally Popcorn Palace) started last week and will run through March. Money and order forms must be turned in no later than close of business on March 24th. Payments can be made in the form of cash and money orders. For a Double Down brochure, reach out to the main office.
Next week, “Dress Down” passes will be on sale in the front office for $2. Students can purchase the passes Monday through Wednesday to dress down on the Thursday of each week. The next dress down day will be on Thursday, March 23rd. Please do not allow your child to dress down without buying a pass, as this will be considered a uniform violation.
They Grow Up So Fast: 8th Grade Baby Pictures
The 3rd Quarter is coming to a close! As a reminder, you can always check the most up to date progress on PowerSchool. Handouts were sent home providing parent login information to access student grades. If you did not receive yours, please email, Sarah Leahey: sleahey@washingtonglobal.org or Paul Lombardi: plombardi@washingtonglobal.org
PowerSchool Access – See your grades!
The 3rd Quarter is now under way! As a reminder, you can always check the most up to date progress on PowerSchool. Handouts were sent home providing parent login information to access student grades. If you did not receive yours, please email, Sarah Leahey: sleahey@washingtonglobal.org or Paul Lombardi: plombardi@washingtonglobal.org
Featured Class – 6.2 Social Studies:
Endangered Species Study
Each week, Washington Global will highlight one class, or cohort. The goal is to give you (families) the opportunity to see a snapshot of what is going on at Washington Global. We encourage you to talk to your child about what they’re learning!
Students are continuing to study the African continent. Their focus this week was on Africa’s rich wildlife and the effort of humans to protect species and their habitats. Students were introduced to the Okavango Delta of Botswana where Dereck and Beverly Joubert have conducted intensive studies of lions and elephants in the wild. Students learned about the importance of ecotourism and education in the battle to save endangered species, such as the rhino.
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